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English Intent:

We feel children learn best when immersed in a whole text, so we base many of our themes around quality, exciting books.  By choosing a text based approach, children are able to work through a range of genres, immersing in the story and imagining themselves as the characters that they meet.  Through reading a book, children can write letters, diary entries, information texts and play scripts; the list is endless.  We take presentation very seriously at Haslemere and believe that every piece of work that the children produce should be presented in a beautiful way that inspires the children and encourages pride in their work. The children enjoy reading a range of texts through their whole class reading as well as the reading in all the curriculum subjects.

Implementation: English is taught across the school focusing on the following different skills: Phonics, SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), Reading, Handwriting, Speaking and listening, and writing. We teach Whole Class Reading, Phonics and Spelling separately outside of our English lessons as these are key skills the children will need in order to apply them in their English sessions.

Impact: We assess the children through on-going teacher assessment of reading and writing, using the written work in their books, their reading logs and their contributions in lessons. We moderate with the LA to ensure consistency. Assessments are recorded on SIMs each term.

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