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PE Intent:

Physical Education is very high on the agenda for all our pupils from EYFS to Year 6 and beyond, we recognise it is the only subject whose primary focus is on physical development, in addition to building on spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. 

We believe that at a time when there are growing health concerns over children nationally, we should inspire our children to become healthy, active learners.  Our curriculum aims to be the springboard towards a physically active life by introducing children to different sports and movements.  Moreover, P.E enables children to develop teamwork, leadership and resilience in an alternative setting to the classroom. We have strong links with the Merton Sports Partnership, utilising their support for Staff CPD. We have a strong emphasis on competitive sports, with a keen Football, Netball, Gymnastics, Cricket and Athletics teams.

Implementation: We provide all children with two hours of PE a week, as well as other sporting opportunities (in after school clubs, lunchtime clubs, or through competitions) for those that want to pursue particular sports or events.

Impact: Our teachers make formative assessments throughout the year and each term they make a record of the learning that has taken place and notes on pupil development and progression. Every child’s progress is measured against the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2.

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