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April 2019 Challenge


Lily - Year 2

Darcie- Year 2

Cabriella- Year 2

Aleksandra- Year 3

Maths Challenge

Each month there will be a Maths Challenge. Miss Gilgeours will set the challenge in assembly and we will also put it on the web page and the DB learning page.

The challenge this month is for Years 1,2 and 3.

October / November 2018 Challenge

Magnificent Money

This month’s Maths Challenge is to design a new 2p coin.

It can be any shape, colour or design!

Have fun!

There will be a winner from each year group.

Please hand your entries into your class teacher. 

Closing date 5th December 2018

2p coin

September Challenge Winners

September Winners: Thashvin, Cabriella and Laiba.  Well Done!!

Maths Challenge September 2018

Tremendous Tessellations



The first Maths Challenge competition is to design, draw and colour your own tessellating/repeating pattern, like the ones above. Hand them in to your teacher, or straight to Miss Gilgeours. There will be a prize for the best pattern in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3.

Closing date Wednesday 10th October.

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